
Science Lab

Best part of learning process is when we try to do things ourselves. The fields of science depicts this is best . Our science labs Physics, Chemistry and Biology are well equipped

Maths Lab

Maths lab also well equipped.

Computer Lab

Necessity of acquiring knowledge about computers needs no emphasis. IT has permeated into all aspects of our lives. India is fast emerging as the hub of all IT activities of the modern world.

Literacy in computers has become a benchmark for any professional career


Library is a hub of all activities going on is the school and has become the centre of informal education. It is equipped with state of art information products and services. The school subscribes to a large number number of magazines and journals are available


Canteen facility is extended by the school for the convenience of the students


Hostel facility is available for Tibetan boys and girls.


School has bus to ferry the students from the  various location of the town to the school campus at very nominal charges